Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday at last ...

This has been a very hard, very long week and I am glad to see the back end of it. I was supposed to go to a dessert/coffee get-together with ladies in my Sunday School class tonight, but my neck and head were telling me "just say no" ... so I did. Hate that...

Every day when I come home I check my one and only tomato. It's bright green, hard as a rock, and twice as big as it was about 10 days ago! Plus, there are some little yellow flowers that I hope will turn into more of the same. The plant is huge now and just keeps getting taller and fuller. I can't wait to see what comes of it.

It's supposed to rain cats and dogs this weekend. I think I'll just stay in the house tomorrow and do housework. Seems like the perfect rainy day activity.

Here's a picture of my favorite flowers in all the world (and my favorite husband in all the world in the background):

Friday, April 23, 2010

My first attempt at vegetable gardening

I have, for the very first time in my life, planted edibles. A tomato seedling and 2 small red bell pepper seedlings. I don't know if I can actually grow something, so I wanted to start small. If I actually get results, I'll do more next year.

I've heard it said that you can't be an old southern woman without growing tomatoes. I'm not old yet, but I wanted to at least be able to check that box off. :-)

Here's a couple pictures:

More Spring Flowers

Also, not exactly flowers, but I do love my hen and chickens: