I made my first pot of soup yesterday - beef vegetable - the first of many to come, I'm sure, along with some cornbread muffins. A chill in the air is all the encouragement I need to start looking at soup and casserole recipes and thinking about new ideas I want to try. I've also gone into baking mode: last weekend it was banana bread (two loaves, one to eat and one for the freezer) and this weekend it was chocolate chip cookies made with both semi-sweet and white chocolate chips and pecans. I really need to curtail my baking, or we'll end up gaining weight over the winter! I'm just in this "nesting" phase!
At any rate, it is my favorite time, hands down. I love the crisp, clean feeling in the air and the brilliant colors that nature displays for our viewing pleasure. I love wearing sweaters and sweatshirts and hoodies and jeans and flannel shirts. I love fires in the fireplace. I love drinking hot apple cider and bonfires and taking walks though leaves that crackle as you step on them. I don't even mind it getting dark earlier, at least if I'm at home and can curl up with a good book beside the fireplace, with a cup of something warm.
Yes, all of that and more...I love autumn. And I hope you do too.