Friday, May 28, 2010

Maggie's babies

So, Maggie led her babies away today, in search of a new home with water.

You're a good mama, Maggie. I'll miss you.


  1. Awww..... maybe one of her daughters will come back to have her babies there too.Your pictures have me smiling.Thank you for sharing....Dena

  2. You're welcome, Dena! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. This is so cute! Thank you for sharing Maggie's story as it hatched with us!

  4. Great job Patty!! I am so enjoying reading your blog. I wish you had taken a pic of everyone standing in the window watching Maggie lead her babies off...but it's probably best that there is no "evidence" of our goofing off!
    Susan T

  5. Thanks, Dar and Susan! And Susan, you're right ... probably better to not have that permanent record. :-)


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